Supporting Children with Challenging Behavior in a Post-COVID World

Learn how to support the social emotional health of children and promote a positive learning environment. 

Course Information:

The trauma and isolation experienced during the COVID years have significantly impacted children's social emotional and mental health. As a result, we've seen an increase in challenging behaviors not just in classrooms but in all settings where children learn and play.
This training is designed to provide you with resources and tools grounded in the latest neuroscience and mental health theories and practices. These tools will help you support the social emotional health of children and promote a positive learning environment. 

Video topics include: myths of misbehavior, brain and body basics, brain-based behavior, the nervous system, dysregulation, behavior as communication, states of dysregulation, external and internal markers for understanding behavior, interventions to support regulation, ruptures and repair, and what to do when strategies are not working. 


  • Dispel myths around challenging behaviors. 
  • Understand the connection between behaviors and the brain and body.
  • Respond with the brain and body in mind. 
  • Select effective interventions to support brain and body regulation   

What's Included:

  • 1.0 hour of video content
  • Experts in the fields of education and mental health
  • Research-backed strategies for working with children with challenging behavior
  • Training certificate
  • A training handout with key takeaways and space for reflection